Monthly Archives: June 2013

‘Bitchy Resting Face’: Is there hope? [VIDEO HUMOR]

SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT: “Thinkwing Radio with Mike Honig” Discusses … The Impact of Deepwater Horizon/BP’s Oil Spill 3 years on (June 24, 2013)


Open Journal-Community Conversation, extended (2013-JUN-24)Pt1

Open Journal-Community Conversation, extended (2013-JUN-24)Pt2


Today on KPFT 90.1 FM, A special edition of Thinkwing Radio with Mike Honig today, June 24, 2013 at 9am-10am (CT)

KPFT, the Pacifica station in Houston, Texas, is ‘relaunching’ their HD3 broadcast channel. Programming on KPFT HD3 will also be simulcast online. At this time, you can hear KPFT HD3 at

“Thinkwing Radio with Mike Honig” premiered on May 1, 2013 and will be on every Wednesday from 2-3PM (CT).

Welcome to Thinkwing Radio with Mike Honig on KPFT HD Channel 3. One of our mottos here is that you’re entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts, so we try to get our facts right. You can also listen online by going to and clicking on one of the HD3 links: HD3 (32k)  HD3 (64k)

If you’re on Twitter, send tweets during the show to #Thinkwing.

TOPIC: The Impact of Deepwater Horizon/BP’s Oil Spill 3 years on (June 24, 2013)

For the past two months, it’s been the 3rd anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill. It started on April 20, 2010, and flowed for 87 days until it was capped on 15 July 2010. So we’ll be ‘celebrating’ the anniversary of this massive spill for about another month.

Texas was fortunate in not being impacted by this disaster as directly as the other Gulf States, but the Gulf of Mexico is an environmental and ecological system, so no part of it is totally unaffected by events taking place elsewhere. Also, the Texas part of the Gulf Coast has been experiencing its own problems and environmental degradation over the past decades.

So 3 years later, what’s the story? What’s being done, who’s paying for it, and what are the long-term plans?

My guest today is Bob Stokes, President of the Galveston Bay Foundation. The Galveston Bay Foundation’s mission is to preserve, protect, and enhance the natural resources of Galveston Bay and its tributaries.  It has programs in advocacy, conservation, education, and research.  Bob served on the board of the Foundation for five years, including a 2-year stint as Board Chair, prior to taking over as Foundation President.

Bob is a graduate of Yale University and the UT School of Law.  In both private practice and as a lawyer working for the Harris County Attorney’s Office, Bob has been involved in environmental law related to civil and administrative matters. In his County Attorney practice, he has gone before the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality both opposing and pursuing state environmental permits.

In 2011, Bob Stokes was awarded the “Environmental Professional of the Year” award by the Texas Association of Environmental Professionals.


Deepwater Horizon oil spill:

Galveston Bay Foundation:

  •  A Framework for Developing a Texas Restoration Plan Based on the RESTORE Act of April 2013 (Courtesy of GBF)
    • Restoring Texas’ Environment Restores Our Economy (Courtesy of GBF)
  • Flow of Oil Spill Funds in Texas (CHART, Courtesy of GBF)
  •  Restoring Texas’ Environment Restores Our Economy: