Tag Archives: U.S. Constitution

Thinkwing Radio with Mike Honig, May 8, 2013, TOPIC: Gun control or gun freedom? Today we’re going to talk about the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, but not about gun control or regulation, per se. GUEST: Dr. Melissa Hamilton

SHOW AUDIO: https://thinkwingradio.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/kpfthd3_2013-05-08_2nd-amendment-edit.mp3

KPFT, the Pacifica station in Houston, Texas, is ‘relaunching’ their HD3 broadcast channel. Programming on KPFT HD3 will also be simulcast online. At this time, you can hear KPFT HD3 at KPFT.org.

“Thinkwing Radio with Mike Honig” premiered on May 1, 2013 and will be on every Wednesday from 2-3PM (CT).

Welcome to Thinkwing Radio with Mike Honig on KPFT HD Channel 3. One of our mottos here is that you’re entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts, so we try to get our facts right. You can also listen online by going to KPFT.org and clicking on one of the HD3 links: HD3 (32k)  HD3 (64k)

If you’re on Twitter, send tweets during the show to #Thinkwing.

TOPIC: Gun control or gun freedom? Today we’re going to talk about the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution, but not about gun control or regulation, per se.

Instead, my guest and I will be discussing the 2nd Amendment itself. What was its intent? How has it been interpreted by society over the decades and centuries since the nation’s founding? How has judicial interpretation of the 2nd Amendment evolved over time? And how do all those things inform and affect the gun debates in this country today?

My guest today is Dr. Melissa Hamilton. She is a visiting law professor at the University of Houston Law Center. She has a law degree from the University of Texas at Austin School of Law and a Ph.D in Criminology & Criminal Justice. She is a former police officer and former corrections officer. Dr. Hamilton teaches in the areas of criminal law and criminal procedure. Her research interests focus on interpersonal violence.
