Tag Archives: FICO

#Thinkwing Radio: Mon, 8/31/2015, 9PM @KPFTHouston FM 90.1. TOPIC(s): First Time Homebuying Made Easy(er). GUEST: Brad Stevens, Real Estate Broker [AUDIO]


KPFT is your community radio station, and community is about where you live. With housing prices remaining strong in many cities and neighborhoods, it’s often a seller’s market, and interest rates may start ticking up soon for the first time in years.

Tonight’s program is for those folks who want to own a stake in their community in the form of their own home, but may not know where to begin, what assistance exists for them, or how to navigate the process.


Link is usually posted within about 72 hours of show broadcast.

Listen live on the radio or on the internet from anywhere in the world! When the show is live, we take calls at 713-526-5738. (Long distance charges may apply.)

Welcome to Thinkwing Radio with Mike Honig (@ThinkwingRadio), a listener call-in show (every Monday night from 9-10PM CT) on KPFT-FM 90.1 (Houston). My engineer and discussion partner is Egberto Willies (@EgbertoWillies).

For the purposes of this show, I operate on two mottoes:

  • You’re entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts;
  • An educated electorate is a prerequisite for a democracy.

GUESTS: (More complete biographical info on my guests are below Source links.)

Brad Stevens, REALTOR® and Licensed Real Estate Broker, has been a Landlord, property manager, listing agent, buyer’s agent and rehabber, but he started his career with a focus on first-time homebuyers. Clients he guided through the home-buying process may not have been able to purchase their dream home without first learning about some of the lesser-known advantages – yes, advantages – of being a first-time homebuyer.


  • Who is considered a first-time homebuyer? ANYONE WHO HAS NOT OWNED REAL ESTATE OF ANY KIND FOR AT LEAST 3 YEARS.
  • What types of loans are available for any buyer?
    • What are the general criteria for loans?
  • How does credit play into the process?
    • What if I don’t have bad credit but have NO credit history?
    • How much cash (of varying types) do I need in the bank?
    • What is my credit score and how do I find out?
    • How do I improve (or hurt) my credit score, and how can I make it more appealing to a lender?
  • Where do I get started with a lender (your bank may not be the best at home lending!!).
  • How much can I afford?
  • What are the advantages of being a first-time buyer in respect to special LEGITIMATE homebuyer programs?
    • Tax credits and deductions, etc.
  • Am I interested in a New or Existing home?
    • As a first-time homebuyer, does it matter to me?
    • New or used, know what you’re getting: Have your home inspected before you buy it.
  • What is the process of purchasing a home?
    • Pre-approval
    • Search (geography)
    • Offer
    • Executing Contract
    • Inspection
    • Appraisal
    • Closing
  • What mistakes to avoid?
    • Being hasty before your credit is sufficient.
    • Not selecting the right lender for your needs
    • Listening to your peanut gallery (friends, family, co-workers)



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