Tag Archives: Dr. Janice Werbinski

#Thinkwing Radio: Weds, JAN. 14 2015, 10PM, @KPFT-FM 90.1 (Houston). TOPIC(s): Are women being treated as 2nd Class Patients? (or, Does your gender affect your health[care]?). GUESTS: Dr. Janice Werbinski, MD, ObGyn (Physician from Kalamazoo, Michigan, and is the Executive Director for the Sex and Gender Women’s Health Collaborative) [AUDIO, w/SOME VIDEO]


Link is usually posted within about 72 hours of show broadcast.

Welcome to Thinkwing Radio with Mike Honig (@ThinkwingRadio), a listener call-in show (every Wednesday night from 10-11PM CT) on KPFT-FM 90.1 (Houston). My engineer and discussion partner is Egberto Willies (@EgbertoWillies). Listen live on the radio or on the internet from anywhere in the world! When the show is live, we take calls at 713-526-5738. (Long distance charges may apply.)  For the purposes of this show, I operate on two mottoes:

  • You’re entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts;
  • An educated electorate is a prerequisite for a democracy.

GUESTS: (More complete biographical info on my guests are below Source links.)

Dr. Janice Werbinski, MD, ObGyn, is the Executive Director an for the Sex and Gender Women’s Health Collaborative (www.sgwhc.org), a national organization of women’s health clinicians. Her organization is trying to influence the way physicians, pharmacists, and other healthcare workers are educated to take care of women patients. This is about equity in the way we research, and apply research, to women patients. It is not about LGBT or sexual medicine.Physician from Kalamazoo, Michigan,

Web Site: www.SGWHC.org
Email: ExecDirector@sgwhc.org

NOTE: This post is subject to update before and after the show. ______________________________________________________________________
Some of the links used for this show are BELOW the break: SOURCES (Below the break) Not all topics discussed on tonight’s show: Continue reading